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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daily Tip: A vengeful person is always going to find themselves in a fight.

Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious. ~ Phillips Brooks

There are some folks who always want to fight.  If you saw the movie "V for Vendetta" the lead character V, sought vengeance until he was killed in his fight for "justice."
He had just cause for wanting to murder all those who unjustly imprisoned and tortured him.  But, he was a vigilante and took the law in his own hands.  He conspired to kill everyone who hurt him, leading to his eliminating even the repentant Doctor, even after he listened to her apology and her side of the story.  She knew he would come to kill her, and he did.
Most of us would empathize with V.  He lost everything but his life.  His body was burned and disfigured from top to toe, and he always had to be masked.  You pitied V, but still he was a monster!
If we practiced vengeance in our everyday life for every petty grievance others have caused us, we would wind up in a constant struggle with those who push back.  We might even lose more than our good reputation.
No one likes it when others hurt them.  The tendancy is to strike back.  That is not always the wisest thing to do.  Arrogance and meanness can only attract more of the same.
Peace and mercy are hallmarks of humane behaviors.  We can be good to those who offend and try to hurt us by being patient and understanding. 
We can also stand up for ourselves, and seek a helping hand from those who love us.
Let us be hopeful that the pain and sadness others may cause us will eventually be avenged, not by us, but by life. 
While there may not be "Instant Karma," like we might wish there would be, there is the dictum, "You reap what you sow," and that old saw, "What goes around, comes around."
The facts are, if someone is mean and selfish, you learned a lesson. 
Keep away from them!  Also, it's up to you to protect yourself from those who would jerk you around, if you can, though this is not always easy.
If you have ADD/ADHD you are particulary vulnerable to attack, so put up your guard, thicken your skin, look for those who can protect you and inspire you to be careful in social and emotional situations. 
Watch what you say and don't trust everyone, especially if you suspect they are two-faced, or don't have your best interests at heart.
If you make a mistake, you can admit it.  If you are wrongly accused, DON'T ADMIT GUILT so that others can point at you and wrongly accuse you some more.  Instead, stand up for yourself.  Take the high road, and be wise, or talk to an advisor whom you trust.  Straighten matters out before they get worse.
Remember, we all hurt each other at one time or another, but if our intention is toward reconciliation there is hope.  If there is no forgiveness, there is no hope.
Be kind to each other.
Amy Zents
If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless. -Mahatma Gandhi

Make sure to enjoy a sample of original music from my band Molly and Sonny Boy's newest CD release

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