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Friday, June 4, 2010

Daily Tip: Smiles are contagious, and so are frowns. Keep your head high, not facing the ground~Amy Zents

Frownlines seem to mar pretty foreheads because when others frown, our tendancy is to mirror their expression.
Poor posture is also a prevalant bad habit among most people who do not make a conscious effort to stand up straight and look confident and self-assured.
Your posture and your expression are linked to your overall mood and the image you project to others.
While some may want to clobber the perpetual Pollyanna, being cheerful is good for your mind and your body.
To exhibit poise and confidence practice sitting and standing straight.
Catch yourself if you feel a frown coming on.  You may be worried or sad, or heading in that direction.  Try and nip the bad mood in the bud, by relaxing your face, lightly rub your temples, breathe a sigh, and smile!
Try to avoid getting into the habit of frowning because others, including kids, pick up on your mood and soon they too are frowning.  Avoid Frownland.  We want Joyland, and sometimes Toyland, as well!!!
Also, if you want to make a ton of people happy, when they ask, "How are you?,"  Just say, "Pretty good, thanks!"  or "Great!" instead of "Everything sucks!"   Don't bring people down.  The mopefest, and the venting of the spleen should be reserved for those nearest and dearest to us, or saved for the diary.
Peace, and SMILE, Laugh and joke.  Here is a good joke for you.
"I set my Sleep Number bed to Windows 7. Now my bed has bugs and no support whatsoever."
Stand Tall, and Relax your face, and your mind!
Amy Zents

Make sure to enjoy a sample of original music from my band Molly and Sonny Boy's newest CD release

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