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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Daily Tip: Make time to exercise

Today is the third day in a row I am going to the gym.  I use only one machine, the recumbant cycle.  The Nautilus.  I sit on it and pedal for an hour.  I do intervals between level 4 and level 20 for 60 minutes, while studying a self-help book about getting real about getting rich.
The reason I pedal on the recumbant is to get cardio exercise, and tone my thighs, tummy and buttocks, areas I want to firm up.
Well, it is Saturday and I am scheduled to work at the radio station from 4pm-10pm.  I am going to the gym, walk the dogs, work on the songs for my upcoming St. Patrick's Day gig at the Loose Moose, make some food and go to work.
My daily gratitude is regarding my gym membership. I am grateful to have a place where I can go to exercise.  I don't have to exercise at home, but I can exercise in a nice place, on a machine that I like and go there and strengthen my body daily, and lift my brain.  They also say exercise and sleep assist in the learning process and in helping people with A.D.H.D to burn off excess emotional energy in a healthy way!
Have a great day and keep moving, and grooving!

Amy Zents
© Amalia Zents 2010

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