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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daily Tip: Happy thoughts, or don't bring me down & #celebrityadhdSunday

There is a song called, "Don't bring me down."  I've noticed since I have been made aware of my A.D.H.D I have put myself down a lot.
It is vital to a healthy self-esteem to quit that negative self-chit-chat.  We talk to ourselves all day long.  Our attitude is one part of our self-image, and self-respect begins at home with yourself.
I know for the longest time, due to my A.D.H.D. and scattered thinking, I haven't been very respectful of me, or my stuff.
I think that translates to other things as well, and so now, I will try to affirm my own self-esteem by being a little kinder when I think of my condition.
Again attention-deficit is a two-edged sword, it can help or harm  depending on what you or I choose to hone in on.
I think for now I am just going to try and focus on my strengths and also what it is I can achieve, or have achieved.
There is a lot of good in each of us, and a lot we can be grateful for.
That is why I want to make one gratitude statement in my blog each day.
Today I am thankful for my 2 dogs, Cole and Pixie, that force me into the fresh air and get me to exercise and release my angst.

Here's to Happy thoughts.

PS. #celebrityadhdSunday
Here is an example of a celebrity who I think may have A.D.D. because of some of his things he says,

Amy Zents
© Amalia Zents 2010

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