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Monday, March 1, 2010

Daily Tip: First things first, or don't walk away from yourself

Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard-boiled egg. ~Author Unknown

It seems that a person can sabotage their life, and walk away from their dreams when they won't and don't do first things first.  It may be because they are not clear on what should come first.
I know that if I find myself with a lot of free-time, or extra money, I can easily squander it, but I need to reassess my Modus Operandi.  If I want to keep a successful mindset, I need to be wise to what I should do first each day.

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts. ~John Locke

Do we really want what we say we want? 
Or do we want what is convenient and easy?
These are some of the questions we need to ask ourselves.
Before any big dreams are attempted there has to be truth and clear-eyed view of what it is we are actually willing to do, not just what it is we want.

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. ~Peter Marshall

If your A.D.H.D or A.D.D. is taking a toll on your self-control,
you may realize that you may need to be more realistic with your wants and goals.
Start to enjoy your life by being true to yourself instead of feeling guilty all the time about what you should be doing, but are unwilling to do.  It is tragic you can't do it, so accept it, give in, give up or else, if you don't like that idea, take the RISK, and do what you know you need to do!
Remember the old saying,
"What you are speaks louder than what you say!"
Your environment represents what you are, your appearance, your words, your thoughts, and remember, the old similiarity:
You can judge a book by it's cover, most of the time.
Most of the time, like goes with careful and make sure your friends support your dreams.
What are you made of?
Well done is better than well said. ~Benjamin Franklin
After all is said and done, a lot more will have been said than done. ~Author Unknown
Other sayings that come to mind:
People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. ~Lewis Case
Don't find fault. Find a remedy. ~Henry Ford
Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken just now. ~Jonatan MÃ¥rtensson

If you think about it, here in the Midwest, Spring is coming and things are looking up.
Action is the antidote to despair. ~Joan Baez
My daily gratitude is regarding my husband. I am grateful to have such a great man that I can bounce ideas off, a person who helps me to get to the gym, to eat right, to get enough sleep, to help me learn to play my instruments, and to take me lots of fun places and do lots of fun things, like going on outings and making fine music!
Have a great day!
Amy Zents
© Amalia Zents 2010

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