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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Daily Tip: Voluntary Simplicity

In spite of the billions of things there are out there to buy for every conceivable task, hobby, interest or taste, there comes a time when we have to deal with everything we have accumulated and scratch out heads and ask, "Is all this stuff necessary?"
Right now I am sitting in a cluttered computer room, in front of this computer thinking about the dishes in the sink, the untidy living room and the fact the dogs need to go out.
So much to worry about.  Having dogs is a pleasure, doing dishes is a pain.
Unfortunately, I cannot delegate the housework to a regal staff of housekeepers, and I can either wait for a Fairy Godmother, or else, do the work myself.
I intend to get some things done shortly, the dishes, take the dogs out and clean up a bit.  Right now it is time to have breakfast and then I need to get to the gym.  My daily gratitude is regarding my music 
education.  I am glad to have my college degree and all the privileges that go along with it.
I want to start edging towards less is more...and that means going through some stuff and deciding what to keep, sell or throw away.  That will be my work for this month of March!
Here is a song I wrote called, "I ain't no shopaholic."

Have a great day,
Amy Zents
© Amalia Zents 2010

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