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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Daily Tip: You Deserve the Best, and #CelebrityADHDSunday

Good morning Friends, and Happy Sunday!
Before I reveal my blog for today, let me mention my most recent trying experiences with ADHD. I nearly stabbed my hand with scissors impatiently trying to open a stick of foundation makeup, and I dropped my new Nexus Cell phone a couple of times on the hardwood floor, and on the icy sidewalk yesterday. Why these banana-fingers, or butter-fingers, or whatever you call it? And why this impatience in handling sharp objects? We know the name of the disorder, ADHD! And the saga continues. But, let's move ahead to today's message, talking about your "best guest." Also, today I will feature one celebrity who seems to me to exhibit traits of ADHD.
Your Best Guest
Who is your best Guest, whose companionship do you think you ought to enjoy?
Of course, the answer is this: Your best GUEST is YOU!!!
First, why not talk about you? With ADHD, the mind is buzzing so much, that (much to the chagrin of family, friends and colleagues) the emphasis is often on you and what you feel you want, think, or need to satisfy that insatiable urge for stimulation and variety. Others may think you are narcissistic, but that is furthest from the truth, IMHO.
You may or may not believe this, but here is what I believe you deserve...
You deserve a world free from clutter, stress and emotional angst.
You deserve to wear clean clothes, take a daily bath or shower, have a nice hairdo, work out often by walking or going to the gym, by enjoying the blessings of family, recreation and romance.
You deserve traveling and visiting places without driving 100 miles off track winding up in another state because you couldn't prepare directions before the trip, you deserve laughter and good times, proper rest and happy, productive and fulfilling work.
You deserve the best because you are your best GUEST, and HOST. You can come home to a place of peace, order and harmony without opening the fridge or the closet and having an avalanche occur, you can decide NOT to binge-eat, binge-drink, binge-shop, or indulge in obsessive-compulsive actions that hurt you and others. You can treat your mind, body, self, dreams, lover, family and friends with respect and attention. You can avoid giving them the brush-off because you are so uptight from all your fears and pain.
You can find fulfillment with a goal and a plan to make it happen.
But you need to develop the will-power muscle and the organization to get to where you want to go.
In this blog, I am going to bring to mind different areas of life that deserve our attention, so that you (and myself) can continually transform our own lives in ways that will support and assist us in the quest for sane, happy, relationships and contentment while coping with our ADHD. Sound good? Stay tuned for each daily installment and subscribe to this blog. I am also on Twitter at


Now here is your #CelebrityADHDSunday feature.  It highlights a star who I think exhibits impulsive, and high-risk ADHD behavior.  I am only stating my opinion, and do not wish to upset anyone with my conjecture, but take a look at Andy Dick with Ivanka Trump.

Til tomorrow, try to stay as focused as you can on what you really, really want to happen for your best and highest aspirations in life! And, I hope you will check out my song, "A.D.D. Blues," off my band, Molly and Sonny Boy's, latest CD called, "Rhythm 'N Blues Grass." Available for download at
CD Baby.
Here is a video clip with a part of the song featured in it.

Have a great day! Musically yours,
Amy Zents
© Amalia Zents

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Daily Tip: What love brings to ADHD'ers

More often than not, and this again is only my observation, if you have ADHD like me, love brings what love attracts, in other words, you will most likely fall in love with someone, who like you, has ADHD, or Aspbergers, or A.D.D, or compulsions, neuroses, etc...
Don't be dismayed. Those are the liveliest of attractions, to be sure. At least, from what I have seen. Passion, emotion, heightened awareness all add to the glorious tapestry of life.
N.B., you can take charge and make your romance work out splendidly, only if you decide to a) get help, and/or b) adapt to your disease.
The best way to channel all that pent-up energy is to fill your life with priorities that SERVE instead of WASTE your precious resources.
Stay tuned, and stay focused (yeah, right.:-)
OK, TRY to stay focused.
© Amalia Zents

Friday, January 29, 2010

Daily Tip: ADHD is like a bad haircut

So you got a bad haircut. Whom do you blame? You could blame the hairdresser, or you could blame yourself. Does it really matter? Well, you could try and fix the lousy haircut, or you could show it off for all the world to see. Perhaps you could cover your hair with a hat or else you could style your hair in a way to conceal the rough haircut. The best thing is to not try to explain away the problem but to deal with it head-on!
That is learn to cope with your situation by taking responsibility for every action you undertake and decide in advance not to get caught up in a downward spiral of alcohol or drug abuse, and self-pity. If you feel you need professional help, then you should get some.
If you don't want a psychiatrist sticking his nose in your business, then maybe you need to simplify your life and adapt to your general state of mind. The most important thing is to get your mood in order. Try to stay upbeat, cheerful and relaxed. Don't let anyone or anything rattle your chain. It is a big wide world out there, and if your current friends arn't helping then perhaps you need to seek out mentors and role models to inspire you to excel in those mixed blessings that ADHD brings you. Perhaps you are artistic, musical, witty or contemplative. Why not blog? Why not jog? Release all that pent-up energy in productive ways, and find your way out from the stressors that drive you batty.
© Amalia Zents

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daily Tip: Avoid HDP (Easier Said than Done)

To avoid Huge Dish Pileup make sure you soak, rinse or wash every utensil after using it. Even if you just stick all the dishes in a sink filled with soapy water you are a step ahead. If you have a dishwasher then use it, if not keep your sink perpetually as empty as you can, so you are not overtaken by a filthy mess. I have written a song about the problem called "The ADD Blues." You may hear some of it here.
Til next time, musically yours,
Amy Zents
© Amalia Zents

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Tip: Coping with keys

One of the hardest things I have to deal with is finding my house keys. I keep a spare set of keys in a drawer, and my husband put up a few hooks on a wall near the front door where I can hang up my keys. The only real challenge here is remembering to put the keys back on the hook when i get home.
© Amalia Zents

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Daily Tip: How I fight ADHD

One way I do this is by using the timer on my phone.
I plan my work in incremental steps and then try to do what it is I have prepared for the day.
© Amalia Zents
Be sure to hear my song ADHD on my music CD by my band Molly and Sonny Boy here: